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Thermalpark Dunajská Streda

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The local Thermalpark is one of the most famous and most visited recreation centres in Slovakia. It is located in wonderful environment, in the heart of South-Slovakia, called Žitný ostrov (Rye Island) and it offers high-class services and ideal possibilities to relax for all age categories. On 18 hectare-territory there are 10 inside and outside pools with a temperature from 26 to 39 degrees of centigrade.

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Mol Arena

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The MOL Arena is a new football stadium in Dunajská Streda. The local football team, the DAC FC 1904 Dunajská Streda plays here its home matches.

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MOL Football Academy

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The MOL Football Academy is the home of the local football team: FC DAC 1904 Dunajská Streda and the training-centre of the younger teams. The aim of the Academy is to raise a younger generation of football players.

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Hi-Ten Tennis and Sport Centre

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A Hi-Ten Tennis and Activity Center tries to ensure the best possible sport-experiences for its guests in the surroundings of Dunajská Streda. Would you like to make some sport? Visit this Sport Centre!

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Artificial skating ring

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The town´s artificial skating ring is waiting for the lovers of skating and ice-hockey from the 29th of November every year.

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X-Bionic® Sphere

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The resort X-Bionic® Sphere had arised with the aim to create specific conditions for those who like not only sport, but also require quality relaxation, gastronomy and a reasonable spendig of their time.

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Slovakia Ring

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The territory of Slovakia Ring offers You besides professional motorsport also a unic improvement possibility of Your driving abilities. You can try quick driving, taste the pleasure of freedom behind the driving wheel.

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The town Dunajská Streda

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The town offers You a wide range of tourist attractions, which are worth to visit. You will be surely fascinated by its cultural monuments. You can visit also the Rye Island museum in the town centre.

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The Golf Club Welten

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The Golf Club Welten is situated 18 kilometres of Dunajská Streda. The golf course was completed in the year 2007 and it offers the best possible services for its visitors.

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Malkia Park

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The territory of Malkia Park is the place, where You will find a lot of interesting and worthful animals and where the whole family finds possibilities for relax and entertainment.

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The ZOC MAX entertainment and shopping centre awaits its visitors on a big ground-space.

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